My Favorite Things64x712024/08
テクニックfree motion quilt, precision appliqued, reverse appliqued, hand dyed, machine embroidered, machine pieced, woven quilt, punch needle applique
材料cotton, yarn
My Favorite Things-- 詳細 --

テクニックfree motion quilt, precision appliqued, hand dyed
コンテスト等3rd at AQS Lancaster 2024, 1st at AQS Grand Rapid 2024,2nd at AQS Paducah 2024, AQS Branson 2024, Best Wall at AQS Daytona Beach 2024, IQF Houston 2023
Buddy-- 詳細 --

Joyful Spring62x712022/09
テクニックfree motion quilt, precision appliqued, reverse appliqued, hand dyed, machine embroidered, machine pieced, applipieced
コンテスト等1st at IQF Houston2024, 3rd at Road2CA2024, HM at AQS Des Moines2023, AQS Grand Rapid, 1st at AQS Paducah2023, AQS Branson, Best of Show at AQS Daytona Beach 2023
Joyful Spring-- 詳細 --

テクニックfree motion quilt, quilt with ruler, fused-appliqued, hand dyeing, pieced
コンテスト等AQS Paducah, IQF Houston2022
Ponta@Azumino-- 詳細 --

Catch it! Yuri64.5x44.52021/09
テクニックfree motion quilt, quilt with ruler, precision appliqued, paint
コンテスト等3rd at Road2CA2023, IQF Houston2022, HM at AQS Paducah2022, 3rd at AQS Daytona Beach2022
Catch it! Yuri-- 詳細 --